Letter from the Publisher

Happy New Year!


Dear readers,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2022! It’s hard to believe that 2021 is over! Time flies when we’re flying! It’s amazing how busy the airports are. What a difference a year makes! It’s unfortunate that we are now dealing with a new COVID variant, which is causing staffing shortages and in turn, airlines are having to cancel flights. On the good-news front, the daily TSA checkpoint numbers are almost double those of 2020, plus the CDC has amended its guidelines for recommended isolation time from ten days down to five days. (You can read more about this at CDC.gov.) Hopefully, these new recommendations will help crews get back into the air faster to keep flights from having to be cancelled. While we are all weary of this pandemic, it’s the time of year we look ahead with positive attitudes and faith that things will get better. 2021 was better than 2020 and I’m confident that 2022 will be an improvement over 2021. Join me in spreading good vibes.

Fly Safe,

Craig Pieper 

Publisher, Aero Crew News


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